Dealing With Apathy

Dear Susan, I was in a grocery store last week when a man had a heart attack and collapsed. I am feeling really disturbed because no one stopped to help him. Not one single person. Everyone stood around, but no one helped. (I arrived at the same time as the paramedics) I don’t know whether […]

Boundaries & Compromise

My husband of eight years and I are going to visit my parents, a five hour drive away, for a long weekend, leaving on Thursday evening and returning on Sunday evening. Mark doesn’t really like going because all we do is hang out with my parents. He likes to do more fun stuff. His friend […]

Fixing Fighting

My husband and I have been married for five years. When we used to fight, I at least felt like we were learning something about each other. Lately, I just feel drained and our fights just hurt. How come some couples seem to never fight and others fight all the time and how can we […]

Losing The Spark

I love my husband; we have shared 22 years and have raised two children together. He is a great man, we do a lot of things together, we have never fought, or had any troubles, but lately he just doesn’t make me feel ‘special’ anymore. I am wondering if we need counseling? Kate, London   […]